I’ve had a really difficult time making my fitness goals a reality. I don’t believe in excuses and the only person I’ve let down is myself. I’m set on making 2015 the year I work my booty back into bikini shape. I’m a thin person, but I have three kids so there’s post baby toning that needs to be accomplished. After the death of my wonderful Grandmother I’ve realized how important it is to take care of myself. My kids need me and I need to make fitness a priority in my life so I can live a long life and continue to make memories with them.
So here’s my belated 2015 plan for achieving an amazing bikini body.
Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide
Ok, so you know I have a love hate relationship with this guide. I’m not a cardio warrior at all. I despise cardio with everything in me and I felt like the first time I attempted this series I was becoming a cardio queen.
Kayla recently released an updated version of the guide. Because I had purchased the original guide I was able to get the updated version sent to me. The updated version offers better directions and information on the guide.
Kayla has a beautiful lean body and I’m going to use her bikini body guide as my HIIT guide for days I can’t make it to the gym. These workouts are easy to complete at home and should help me thin out the problem areas so many of us mama’s have.
Thinner, Leaner and Stronger for Women
I prefer weight lifting as my fitness choice if practicing ballet or out playing with my kids isn’t an option. Mike Matthews from Muscle for Life has created The Year 1 Challenge for Women: Thinner, Leaner, and Stronger (Build Muscle, Get Lean, Stay Healthy Series). I purchased this workbook after I saw the results my husband’s had with Matthews’ The Year 1 Challenge for Men: Bigger, Leaner, and Stronger Than Ever in 12 Months (Build Muscle, Get Lean, Stay Healthy Series)
. He has lean muscles and is happy with what he’s accomplished with this plan.
I completed the first two days of the journal this weekend. My muscles feel worked and I’m really hoping this guide helps me gain the lean muscles I want. I can’t make it to the gym everyday because Lulu really doesn’t like the daycare so I have to go when someone can watch her. I like that this is a journal that I can write in and keep track of my progress. It makes it a lot easier for me to train then if I had to create my own weightlifting plan.
Let’s Do This!
Who wants to join me on this challenge? I wish you all a happy and healthy 2015!