Oh my goodness! Where has the time gone? This year has been interesting, to say the least. Even though nothing has gone to plan, every holiday this year we've tried to make as special as possible. ... READ the POST
The Gift of Culinary Skills with Raddish Kids
This post features one of our affiliate partners, Raddish Kids. If you give the gift of culinary skills with Raddish Kids we will receive a commission for doing so. Thank you for supporting our ... READ the POST
Enhance Your Walls with Photowall
Enhance Your Walls with Photowall. Thank you to Photowall for sponsoring today’s discussion. I greatly appreciate my sponsors and would ask that you please support them if they meet your needs. Now ... READ the POST
Manage Your Overall Health and Wellbeing with CVS HealthHUBS
Thank you to CVS HealthHUBS for sponsoring today's discussion. I greatly appreciate my sponsors and would ask that you please support them if they meet your needs. Tampa Bay, did you know that ... READ the POST
Volunteering Opportunities in Tampa Bay
I know it's cliché to say how blessed we all are, but I'm truly thankful for the simple things. Maybe it's old age setting in, but I'm so very fortunate to have a healthy family, a roof over my head, ... READ the POST
Going Exotic at the Tampa Bay New Car + Truck Show
My son loves cars. He spends time designing cars in his draft book and his dream is to be in a car engineer someday. Anytime we find a fancy car he always gets his photo taken next to it. He is so ... READ the POST