Disclaimer: This is a guest post that contains affiliate and Amazon links. Why You Should Join Bright Line Eating – A Success Story
Hi Everybody, I am Jeri, Chastity’s favorite Mother-in-law. ? (Is that an oxymoron?)
Isn’t Chastity wonderful! I am so incredibly proud of everything she does!
Chastity is the most loving, supportive wife to my precious son, an amazing mother to my 3 beautiful, brilliant Grandchildren, a creative cook, a tireless career woman with two careers and a devoted friend to all who need her. And that’s just a small sample of what this gorgeous girl accomplishes in one day!?
Why You Should Join Bright Line Eating – A Success Story
Chastity invited me to speak to you about Bright Line Eating which is so near and dear to my heart. ❤
Bright Line Eating really is the answer to living slender forever!
I lost 40 lbs and have easily kept it off for 1 1/2 years. My friends have lost 200, 165, 153, 142 pounds and on and on and on.
I actually help coach 2600 people and they are mostly all doing amazing. ⭐
I am a really good coach. ?

Before Bright Line Eating
What is Bright Line Eating?
Bright Line Eating…is The Only Scientifically Proven Way To Live Forever Slender.
Hundreds of scientific studies have shown that diets don’t work.This is probably not news to you.
No matter what weight loss program is studied, the results are always the same: on average, in the first 6 months, people lose 10-15 pounds, then their weight loss stalls for a bit, and then they start gaining the weight back.
There are always a few individuals who show some success with a program here and there, but on average, there is not a single program that shows sustained success in a cohort of participants.
That’s always been true…up until now.
Three years ago, a groundbreaking new program was created by a professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Her expertise is in the neuroscience of food addiction, and she herself is in the top .01% of successful weight loss maintainers. She was overweight in her teens and obese by her twenties, and today she is blissfully slender…and she’s been slender for 14 years.
In the past 3 years, over 20,000 people have joined her program from 103 countries around the world, and the results are jaw-dropping. On average, people lose 3 times more weight in her 8-week program than the typical results from any other available diet.
But what’s more shocking is that they keep it off.
This scientist has thousands of people participating in an ongoing follow-up study, and 84% of them do not regain their weight—not a single pound.
What’s more, of the people who joined her program with type 2 diabetes, 72% were able to decrease or eliminate their medications for the disease in just 8 weeks.
Of the people who joined her program with heart disease, 59% decreased or eliminated their medications.And the improvements are not limited to physical health. Of those who joined her program with clinical depression, 48% were able to decrease or stop their medications entirely. Similar benefits have been seen for a variety of mental health conditions.

After Bright Line Eating
What Makes Bright Line Eating Different?
What gives this program the “stick” factor that allows it to be successful over the long term?
The difference is these people have been following a system that’s customized to how their brain works.
They started their journey by learning one crucial piece of information about how their brain is wired. They took a 30-second quiz with only 5 questions, and the rest is history.
This little piece of information may very well be the game changer that alters the course of the obesity epidemic forever.
I personally know the scientist. She’s a good friend. I know this all sounds radical, but I can passionately vouch for these results. They blow me away, and they’ll blow you away, too.
Take This Bright Line Susceptibility Quiz
I personally want to invite you to take the quiz, find out how your brain is wired to respond to food, and watch the video explaining how you can use this information to live “happy, thin, and free.”
Click here to take the quiz now.
In health and happiness,
P.S. – The first scientific presentation of these results took place this past April during the Energy Balance, Macronutrients, and Weight Management session at the Experimental Biology Conference in Chicago. The first paper is currently pending publication in an academic journal. Millions have yet to benefit from the program, but if you want to be among the first, click here to learn how your brain has been blocking you from losing weight.