New parents, it is very important to find a pediatrician you love! It seems so simple, but you need to have a great deal of respect with whomever you choose to entrust with the health of your child.
I don’t know if liking a pediatrician is enough. You will be seeing this doctor at least every other month throughout the first year of your baby’s life. You have to trust that he will do what is in the best interest of your baby.
Your pediatrician also needs excellent personal skills and unfortunately, there are too many doctors who are lacking the ability to speak to you as a human being. He needs to support your decisions in raising your children or offer honest criticism if he thinks your decision is not beneficial for your child.
I love our pediatrician! When I bring my baby in her for her well visits, he takes the time to speak to my older children when they are with me. He asks them how their summer is going and he’s genuinely interested in what activities they are participating in and makes sure they feel appreciated. At the next well visit, he remembers what activities my oldest children are participating in and follows up with them.
He also makes sure to explain each procedure he is doing with my baby. And, he also asks how I am doing. It’s nice to feel appreciated, even if it’s just a courtesy.
Ask your friends and family who they have as a pediatrician. I suggest you interview at least three doctors. Your first impression of the doctor is the most important. Sure, one doctor may have a fancy office offering you a coffee bar, but the doctor doesn’t give you the time of day. A simple office with a honest, friendly doctor is what I prefer.
Of all the advice I was given as a new mommy-to-be, interviewing all potential pediatricians was the best advice!
Do you have a pediatrician you love or do you wish you could switch doctors?