Hello, Sunshine! He’s making a list and checking it twice. Santa will be here before we know it and then bam, it’s 2015! We’ve been busy trying to sneak a few fun activities as a family before all of the hustle and bustle of the season really kicks in. Last weekend we experienced a Wild Wonderland at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo and had a great Saturday night out as a family.
Wild Wonderland at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo
Floridians can experience flurries of snow, a million twinkling lights, African animals, penguins and Santa with his reindeer at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo. Every kid at the zoo tried to catch the snow falling from the skies while little ones were in awe at all of the holiday magic all around them.
Lulu was mesmerized by all of the lights. We couldn’t get her to look at the camera for anything. There was too much excitement in the air!
Some of the zoo’s animals stayed up late so we could meet them. Lulu was excited to meet all of the guys as she calls them. We had to pull her away in tears from the animal exhibits.

I think the penguins were tired. They were huddled together in the back if their home, but were still adorable.

Treats and Treasures Hometown Village had yummy treats, an ornament shop and lights choreographed to holiday music.
Beautiful Lights Everywhere
Lowry Park Zoo keeps with their tradition of decorated houses like they do for Zoo Boo. The park has created two light and decorated trails at Wild Wonderland. Gracie loved the icy wonderland of the frozen forest. The frozen forest is beautifully decorated with white lights, snow animals and icicles galore.
Don’t Forget the Stingrays
Every time we visit the zoo the kids beg to pet the stingrays. The first time we did this, CC was a little timid, but now he can’t wait to see them. I was standing alone trying to pictures of the kids petting the stingrays and all of the rays kept swimming by splashing me. I had the magic spot to touch the rays.
Have you ever touched a stingray? They’re really soft and slimy at the same time. Before petting them at the zoo the only thing I really knew about them was to do the stingray shuffle to avoid being stung by one when we go to the beach. We see them out in the wild all of the time during their prime summer season.
Santa and His Reindeer Are At The Zoo
You can only experience a Wild Wonderland for a few select dates in December and Santa will only be at the zoo until December 23. We didn’t get to see Santa or his reindeer because the line was extremely long every time we checked it. Lowry Park is the only place you can find real reindeer in Tampa Bay.
Learn more about Wild Wonderland at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo and purchase tickets on their website or when you arrive at the zoo. It’s a magical time the whole family will enjoy.
Do you plan holiday activities for the family?
What’s your favorite winter activity?
Disclosure: Thank you Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo for having my family as your guests.