Hello, Sunshine! Fall is here and I’m looking forward to all of the awesomeness that comes with it: cooler weather (highs in the 80s), non-stop sport action, and of course pumpkin spice lattes. Now is the perfect time to fall in love with Starbucks.
Football is Back
We had our annual fantasy football draft and it’s always fun watching JD and his dad try to outsmart their fellow draftees. At one point my computer froze up which led to a major freak out by JD. We are able to stop the draft and safely resume to a successful draft.
Even though I’m a Broncos fan, we love going to watch the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play. It’s so much fun to feel the energy of the crowd and the players on the field. And our stadium is really awesome. We always sit by the giant pirate ship and catch goodies that shoot out of the cannons.
Fall in Tampa means less sweating and an excitement to be outside. We can finally head to Busch Gardens and enjoy ourselves. We moved to a cul-du-sac where the kids are outside everyday playing with their friends. In a few weeks the mosquitoes will finally disappear and we can enjoy bite free evenings outside. I can’t wait for the temperatures to cool down, but for now we can enjoy a Tampa Bay Rays game in the air-conditioned stadium.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes
JD has been sending me random texts saying #psl. Someone is very excited for pumpkin spiced lattes! Remember when I told you last time he loved Starbucks instant coffees? JD is always excited for my Starbucks package to arrive and this time he was beyond thrilled to see the instant Pumpkin Spice Latte packets. Throughout the week my box in the pantry slowly disappears because of him.
Starbucks VIA Instant Pumpkin Spice Latte is best made with milk. I prefer milk in it like the other VIA instant drinks. The milk makes it a creamy treat that makes it a closer match to an in-store Pumpkin Spice Latte.
My favorite treat in-store at Starbucks is the Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese muffin. I LOVE anything with cream cheese in it. I always save my cream cheese center for the last bite. Do you do silly things like that?
Fall Blend
I’m a Colorado native and will always be a Colorado girl at heart. This weekend in color weekend at various ski resorts throughout the state. There are 5 and 10k races, free ski lifts to the top of the mountains, concerts and the last opportunity to see all of the beautiful fall leaves on the tree before Winter rolls in. Starbucks Fall Blend reminds me of home and the beauty of the mountains in the fall. The subtle citrus spice notes remind of the cooler and crispness of late fall nights.
Starbucks Fall Blend is one of the limited-time only seasonal blends that Starbucks offers. It is available exclusively at major grocery stores throughout the fall season.
What’s your favorite thing about fall?
Are you excited for Pumpkin Spice Lattes?
Thank you to my friends at Starbucks for sponsoring today’s conversation.