Spring has sprung and it’s time to get your body in its best health and shape ever! Now’s the time to shake off those Winter blues and spring into action. Incorporating simples steps can help boost your body’s well being and choosing better-for-you treats like Kozy Shack® Simply Well® which is a great way to snack without added sugar and it’s gluten-free!
1. Get Plenty of Sleep
As a busy working mama of three, getting enough sleep each night can be quite the task. There’s nights when one of the kiddos decides to get in bed with us and that usually results in zero sleep for me. Apparently, I’m a better snuggle buddy than JD.
Of course there are nights that I can’t shut my mind off and endless worries or to do lists fill my mind. I dread those nights the most. I end up laying there in bed thinking about how exhausted I’ll be in the morning.
Doctors recommend that adults get eight hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep can lead to unwanted health problems and let’s admit it, your just plain miserable when you’re sleep deprived. Try to unwind 30 minutes prior to bed time to allow your body and mind prepare for a peaceful night.
2. Make Better-For-You Food and Drink Choices
It can be difficult to pass on sugary filled drinks or margaritas, but your body needs water to use as fuel. I make it a goal to drink one and a half liters of water a day
There is a plethora of yummy treats in our house right now because of Easter. It takes a lot of will power to say no to all of the chocolate lying around. When I go shopping I make it a goal to only buy whole food items. I try to limit our gluten and sugar intake, but sometimes you have to allow a little room for treats. Kozy Shack® Simply Well® is a treat you don’t have to feel guilty about. It’s a 90-calorie, no sugar added, gluten-free pudding that’s a great choice for an active lifestyle.
3. Stay Active
Our weather is absolutely beautiful right now! I love going outside and playing with my kids. We’ve been playing at the playground, swimming at the pool, riding our bikes and I’ve recently been challenging them to physical contests. We have sprinting, handstand, and dancing contests. We’re really enjoying staying active and keeping our bodies in shape.