On New Year’s Day everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions. I’m going to loose weight. I’m going to start a business. I’m going to take my dream vacation. You can’t wait to share resolutions. Derek ... READ the POST
Ooh La La Fabulous
Hair care products are a dime a dozen. Each and every product promises to make your hair stronger, healthier and stop a man dead in his tracks. What many women sadly discover is the hair care products ... READ the POST
Magnificent Moisturizer
Do you know why your skin needs a great hydrating moisturizer? An excellent moisturizer will hydrate your skin leaving it supple, firm, plump, smooth and wrinkle-free. Finding the perfect moisturizer ... READ the POST
Crab, Artichoke and Spinach Dip
My husband follows a strict diet so I am constantly searching for recipes the whole family will enjoy. Last night I created crab, artichoke and spinach dip. Hubby really enjoys artichoke ... READ the POST
An Open Letter to Ulta
Normally I wouldn’t say anything about poor customer service. I realize every business has its share of awful employees, but the manager at the Ulta I recently shopped at should hold her head in ... READ the POST
Christmas Vacation–My Favorite Christmas Movie
To kick off Christmas Week I’d like to share with you my family’s favorite Christmas movie, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I cannot believe this movie is 21-years-old! Where does time go? I’ve ... READ the POST