Hey fellow blogger! I really would love to post a comment on your blog, but you have made it nearly impossible for me to do so.
Your content was awesome and I want to praise you for what you’ve shared with the world. Unfortunately, I often forget my disqus password and instead of waiting for my password to be emailed, I simply leave your page without posting a comment.
Or maybe you have a mind bending captcha for me to solve after I’ve composed my comment. I know that 2+2=4, but your captcha is calling me an idiot by saying that 4 is incorrect. Maybe I’m supposed to be adding 2+Z?
And those fuzzy word captchas are a real eye sore. Some captchas are case sensitive, while others contain letters and numbers that no one can decipher. Please remove the captcha.
I’m only posting a comment!
If you are truly worried about being bombarded with spam comments, may I suggest using my favorite plugin for catching spam, Akismet. Akismet filters out your comment and track-back spam for you. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Or if you’d like one extra step to stop a spam comment, install the spammer blocker plugin. The spammer blocker plugin blocks spammers’ IP addresses manually. It also blocks all visitors who posted a comment that was later marked as spam. You can even prevent the spammer from posting comments. And, if your Akismet catches a spam comment, its author will be blocked in your database.
Fellow blogger, I sincerely hopes this helps you receive more comments. I know if you make it simple to leave a comment, I will be by to share the comment love!
Do you become frustrated when you have to perform a small miracle before you are able to post a comment?