I thought Mondays were supposed to be easier now that school’s finally out for summer. I guess I was wrong.
My son has swimming practice at 8:45 each morning. Today, my Zyrtec filled brain decided it was at 8:30. Strike one! We arrive 30 minutes early to swim practice only to find out that I forgot my son’s goggles at home. Strike two!
The girls and I hung out poolside a little longer than we had originally planned. My son did get a few extra minutes of practice in. Unfortunately, it was hard for him to see if he was staying in the middle of the swim lane without his goggles.
I watched him practice his diving start. First attempt led to a low dive. The second time, a belly flop. Ouch! The third time he did another low dive, but he’s greatly improving.
After practice I go to start my car and nothing! It doesn’t turn over. It doesn’t do anything. Strike three!
I had to ask my son’s coach if he could jump us. Thankfully, he had a full size truck to hook-up to my SUV and he was able to jump it. Once the car started, I called the nearby Advanced Auto Parts and had the store hold a battery for me.
I am so thankful that the store does free battery installation. I would have been screwed if they didn’t. My son wants to be a car engineer, so he was really excited to watch the guy install the battery. The guy was so nice. He explained all the parts under the hood to my son. It was a great learning experience for him.
I let me husband know we had to get a new battery put into the car only to find out that when he took it to get the oil changed a few weeks ago, it died on him. He had to have it jumped at the lube center.
Um, that’s something I would have liked to have known when it happened. I drive all day with three little kids in the car. I would have hated to stall on the interstate this past weekend when I was alone driving the kids to the beach. Thanks, honey!
Today was definitely a case of the Mondays!