Hello, Sunshine! I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. We are getting ready to leave for our summer family vacation. It is a lot of work to plan, pack and prepare for a vacation for a family of five, but all of the effort is worth it. I can’t wait to make memories with my family.
My sister and I love to reminisce about our childhood family vacations. Our family vacations were full of laughter, love and beautiful memories, and I hope that is a gift I can give to my children. When I get together with my extended family it’s one big giggle fest dishing out the details of our favorite family memories. I’m so thankful to have been blessed and surrounded by so many memorable moments.
I will be gone for the next two weeks, but I have left you in good hands. Four of my favorite bloggers will be guest posting for me while I’m away. I know you will love these fabulous, lovely and sweet ladies as much as I do.
Michelle blogs over at Our Three Peas and loves sharing her hilarious and no-nonsense outlook on motherhood…along with some recipes, crafts and workouts along the way.
Kelly is a wife and mom of two and the writer behind Life Made Sweeter where she shares a good mix of sweet, savory and healthy dishes and desserts.
Kristin from Dizzy Busy and Hungry, is a really busy working wife and mom of two teenage boys. She started Dizzy Busy and Hungry a way to record and share the dishes and her endeavors to feed her family as best she can while preserving whatever sanity she has left.
Stacie is the voice behind Simply Southern Stacie. She is a twenty-something year old blogger from Georgia and her motto in life is all about balance.
And don’t you worry, Wine’d Down Wednesday will be live both weeks for your wonderful links.
I can’t wait to make new memories with my family and I hope you are making memories too!