Should you brush your teeth to lose weight and curb your appetite?
I may be crazy, but I think this is absolutely ridiculous advice. I’ve had three babies and I want to be back in fighting form sooner than later. However, I wouldn’t rush off and brush my teeth, hoping that a clean mouth would stop me from stuffing a brownie into my pie hole.
Here’s my novel idea – grab a healthy treat instead!
Yes, it’s true! I would eat a banana, carrots, or anything nutritious, but I would NEVER starve myself. I’m worried that a message like this only encourages eating disorders.
It seems like those offering fitness and healthy tips are not even qualified to care for a pet rock. Teenage girls, hell women, read “advice” like this and give it a go. I bet more often than not, girls who adhere to these quick tips end up binging later. They feel guilty about their binge eating and the situation escalates.
I would love to see someone who is offering clean eating advice to actually offer clean eating tips. I’m not an expert, but choosing daily to eat a healthy diet and allowing yourself a “treat” once in awhile is a much better healthy tip from a mommy, than a clean eating guru telling you to go brush your teeth.
What do you think? Is this crazy advice?