I spend so much time in my laundry room. I always have a never-ending pile of laundry to do, no matter how many loads I complete in a day. Apparently, I’m the only person in my house who wears one outfit a day. I guess when you’re a mama of a family of five, the giant mountain of laundry is a given. I think washing, drying and folding clothes might be more enjoyable if I had a beautiful laundry room to do it in.
10 Beautiful Laundry Rooms Every Mama Deserves
I love Sedona, Arizona, and for some reason this laundry room reminds me off one of the spas I went to there on my last visit. Maybe I could practice yoga in the middle of the room.
The wallpaper is crazy fun in this room. Plus the window helps get rid of the dungeon feeling too many laundry rooms have.
I don’t really watch a lot of television, but maybe I could find a new favorite show if there was flat screen mounted above the washer.
So light and airy! Oh, did you notice the amazing chandelier?!
I love the subway tiles in this laundry room. Trade in the chair for chaise and I’m in!
This washer and dryer is so pretty! If you wash and dry clothes in Tiffany blue machines does that make you fancy?
If you can’t have a Tiffany blue washer and dryer, paint your cabinets that color. It really takes the drab out of the room.
Okay, where do I find these machines? And this laundry room is nicer than most kitchens!
I really like this big window. It reminds of something I could find in a brownstone in a major city.

French doors… swoon! Open the doors, let a breeze pass through and pour yourself a glass of wine. You deserve it mama!