I remember as a kid my parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents always saying, “time flies by.” Of course, as a teenager time could not go fast enough. There were so many milestones to hit: sweet sixteen and driving a car, graduating high school, going off to college, turning 21, graduating college and making a name for myself in the world.
But now I’m a mommy and I understand that statement. I see how fast my children are growing and changing each and every day. I told my brother-in-law one day how the kids’ birthdays are bittersweet. On one hand I am so blessed to have healthy, happy, amazing children, and on the other hand, they’re one year closer to moving out. I always shed a few tears on their birthdays.
I cried almost everyday the entire summer before my oldest began pre-school. It was so hard to let my baby go. I had never spent a day without him. Now I look forward to long weekends, along with winter and summer breaks so I can spend more time with him.
When I heard Lady Antebellum’s “Heart of the World” during the drive to my parent’s house for Christmas, I knew I had a new favorite song. As a mommy and wife, “Heart of the World” is a relatable song, especially the second verse:
I leave him sleeping as I rise early
Always up before the dawn
The house is dark, but I see clearly
Kettle sings a morning song
The bacon’s frying, babies crying
I soak up the sights and sounds
Minutes turn to days and I wish that I could slow it down
If grease is the soul of the kitchen
And coffee the drink of the Gods
Routine to perfect to mention
Time is a thief I would rob
Oh, and hope is the soul of the dreamer
And heaven is the home of my God
It only takes on true believer
To believe you can still beat the odds
I try to spend as much individual time with my children and I enjoy planning little dates with them. I love taking my son to the movies and I have quality time with my oldest daughter by taking her on a little girl spa date.
Do you see time flying by now that you have kids or matured in age? Is Time a Thief You Would Rob?
Cheers to a successful, blessed and memorable 2014!